Marian Keyes
Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words 'for ever.' But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don't like doing it.

Doug Coupland
Try not thinking of peeling an orange. Try not imagining the juice running down your fingers, the soft inner part of the peel. The smell. Try and you can't. The brain doesn't process negatives.
Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver
Peeling off my skin / leaving just my eyes behind / You see inside my head / Still know that you are mine
Saturday, August 31, 2013

In Birdland we could use some rain. This summer we haven't had the devastating heat, and the big load of rain we got earlier carried us far into the season.
The grass is still green, but that doesn't mean a little shower wouldn't be welcome.
This time of year, we get smaller storm cells, so maybe you've had rain in your yard, but that same rain didn't get to mine.
Yesterday it rained just above my kitchen door for a minute or two, but not in the yard where the garden is. Michael has been watering some in the evenings, but my husband seems to favor the flowers over my vegetable patch, and I can see that the ground there is a little dusty, the arugula a little thirsty.
This week I graduated from a walking boot to a surgical shoe. I am just beginning to feel a bit more myself after my foot surgery, and I try to balance naps with projects that keep me busy while sitting.
Michael brought me a basket of cucumbers and summer squash from my own garden. I always get a late start planting, but I've had plenty of cucumbers to peel and float with tomatoes and thick, crispy onion slices in a bowl of yogurt, vinegar, olive oil and various herbs from my herb spiral.
The tomatoes are from Pam and David's garden. My tomatoes are coming — but still stony and green.
I've put the yellow squash into a chicken potpie, soups, and the other day, a zucchini bread (I guess, technically, it was a yellow squash bread). But I still had more, so I sliced them thin and dipped them in a brine of vinegar, salt and olive oil, then crisped them in the oven. Healthier, I think, than corn chips.
Pam and David have sent over more apples, and I can't think of a better way to spend my day than sitting in the backyard in the Adirondack chair cutting up apples and singing all my childhood songs at the top of my voice.
The chickens don't mind. I am throwing them the scraps. I had set up the peeler and watched the ribbon of red skin come flying off the blade to pile up in the grass next to my chair. The chickens pick at the pile, and it looks like entrails.
I was freezing chunks of peeled apples for winter pies, but then I ran out of Tupperware, so switched back to apple butter. I have always peeled and cored them to cook them down in the crock-pot, which works just fine — but the peeling is time-consuming.
Then a reader wrote to me and told me how she just quarters them, cooks them and runs them through a food mill — much easier! No peeling. I put out the call to borrow or buy a food mill, and have the use of a "Victorio Strainer" until my friend, Sheryl, does her apple run in the fall. I have fallen in love with this thing, so I'll keep my eyes out for one at yard sales.
Next comes pears. I have one pear tree that makes small, hard green pears. They're not pretty to look at but taste OK. They taste even better when I make them into pear butter. But Pam and David have a couple of pear trees with the best, most juicy pears you can imagine.
I've been sending broad hints about those pears, which they shared so generously last summer, and Pam said she would pick some today.
I sit here in the sun, peeling the last of the apples for one more pie before I turn to pear butter production, and I'm trying to remember exactly what it is that we eat in the winter. I can't think of a meal lately that wasn't almost entirely grown in my garden or in a neighbor's.
And I'm thinking I was made for this life. I remember when I was a kid, helping my aunt can tomatoes or bake gooseberry pies or snap beans or pit cherries — I don't remember exactly what, but I told her that I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grow up but this was what I wanted to do, and she told me I wanted to be a farmer's wife.
I remember thinking that what I really wanted was to be a farmer, not a wife, only the gardening kind, not the tractor driving kind. In the 1970s on a grain farm in Illinois I'm not sure I understood there could be any other way to farm, and now I'm thinking that driving a tractor could be pretty cool, too.
Peel in beauty; preserve peace; blessed be.
Mary Lucille Hays lives in Birdland near White Heath. She is interested in peaceful food production in the world and in her own backyard. You can read more of her writings at Hays can be reached at letterfrombird
Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Food and Drug Administration recently warned consumers about potential hazards associated with the use of chemical skin peeling products. The agency also has started investigating the seriousness and prevalence of injuries which have actually occurred.
"We are warning consumers about the use of skin peelers because they can cause serious injuries, particularly when not used under the supervision of a physician," said Commissioner David A. Kessler, M.D.
The FDA issued the warning after it received reports of several injuries caused by chemical skin peeling products. The products in question contain ingredients that are supposed to remove wrinkles, blemishes, blotches and acne scars, usually claiming that they restore youthful-looking skin. But the FDA says they may penetrate the skin too deeply, causing severe skin damage. In several cases, persons have been hospitalized for severe burns, swelling and pain.
Harsh chemical peeling products contain different ingredients and their strengths vary, as may each person's reactions to the chemicals used. Peeling products usually contain different acids such as resorcinol, phenol, lactic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid and other alpha hydroxy acids. These are generally applied to the skin for a brief time each day, for 6 to 12 days. The skin initially reddens, like a sunburn, then darkens and finally peels away, revealing what manufacturers claim will be "new skin." But treatments may be painful and leave permanent scars.
Chemical peels used to be performed only by plastic surgeons and dermatologists. However, they are now administered by a variety of non-medical professionals such as cosmetologists and beauticians, some using newly marketed preparations. Some of the products can even be purchased by mail. Many have inadequate instructions; none have been approved by FDA as being safe and effective.
In the course of conducting its investigation, the FDA will review all products marketed with skin peeling claims. Dr. Kessler said FDA is working with state attorneys general who are also taking measures to stop the sale and use of hazardous skin peeling products.
In a warning letter sent to one manufacturer, the FDA said that it considers their product to be a new drug that cannot be legally marketed without FDA approval, and that the product is misbranded and presents a significant health hazard.
Other over-the-counter products designed to renew and rejuvenate are not affected by this announcement. Learn to read the labels on the products you use and choose those that are non-toxic and safe. For more information, see our article on Skin Care Product Labels - Natural vs. Toxic Chemicals.
Kathleen Williams is the developer of the economical Dermanesse Professional Home Microdermabrasion System She is an expert on Skin Peeling Products & Skin Cancer []
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The peel skin treatment, is a beauty treatment that has been used since the 1930's for acne and wrinkle care and general improvement of the face. It's helped many people reduce the damage caused to their skin as a result of scarring caused by acne as well as the effects of aging.
The peel skin treatment is a six to nine day chemical method of gradually peeling the outer skin layers to reveal healthier, blemish and wrinkle-free skin layers underneath. It rejuvenates the skins appearance and helps to stimulate the lower layers of the skin to produce more healthier skin cells.
It uses special chemicals that induce the outer layers of fine skin tissue to peel away evenly, a carefully controlled process that takes six to nine days to complete for optimum results.
While peel skin treatment used to be offered only in a doctor's office, thanks to today's inventions and less harmful chemicals, it can be done safely in the comfort of your own home. There are several excellent product lines available over the counter that can be used by anyone to dramatically improve the youthful glow of their skin.
The skin peel can also be used effectively to remove such nuisances as age spots, freckles, and hyper pigmentation in the skin caused by sun damage or illness. If used over the prescribed six to nice days, the skin will peel evenly to reveal skin that is clear of these pigment issues.
The peel skin treatment is also useful to people who suffer from acne and blackheads, caused by clogged pores or toxic buildup in the skin. As the chemicals gently work on the layers of the skin, the pores are opened up, infectious oil, bacteria and toxins are expelled from the skin and the complexion is cleared. This is much less damaging than trying to squeeze the oil out of the skin or using other methods.
The peel skin method leaves less noticeable scars and even improves the condition of existing acne scars or oversized pores. Skin is then free of marks and is restored to its former beauty.
Another advantage of using the skin peel method of improving the look of your skin is that it evens out the skin tones and reduces the affects of skin damage to the lower layers of the skin. Sometimes this damage can't be seen right away, but over time it's what causes wrinkles and discoloration to form. Using the skin peel, these damaged layers gradually work their way to the surface where they are sloughed off and new healthier skin layers can form.
Using a skin peel followed by wearing proper sunscreen can slow down the aging process and preserve the younger skin underneath from further damage.
When used properly, the peel skin treatment is an effective means to improve the look and feel of your skin. Be sure to choose high quality products that are right for your skin type and consult with a knowledgeable skin care specialist before attempting to do this at home.
Professional and experienced plastic surgery doctors to help you with your needs. Visit us and find out more about Cosmetic Surgery Toronto, Liposuction Surgery, rhinoplastic and nose surgery, Microdermabrasion,Laser Skin Resurfacing, Laser Acne Treatment, Laser hair removal, fillers, Botox, breast lift augmentation and chin augmentation.
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There are only a handful of people who have perfect skin. Lucky them, right? As for the rest of us, we have to deal with a variety of skin problems. Fine lines, wrinkles, acne cysts, acne scarring, skin discoloration, sun-damage, etc. The list is endless.
Not to mention the fact that most of the time people have a combination of the above mentioned skin conditions, which makes it more difficult to treat them. It could also get extremely costly, as a combination of different treatments would have to be utilized.
One way to keep your skin looking younger and healthier is to exfoliate. The main goal of exfoliation is to remove the dead skin cells, grime and residue from the surface of your skin. There are different methods to carry out this process. An alternative to abrasive exfoliation is the use of chemical exfoliants, such as a chemical acid peel.
If you have ever used a chemical skin peel treatment before, you know that it can be very painful and it requires significant downtime.
For the relief of many who have been suffering from a variety of skin conditions, now there is a new treatment available on the market, and it's called the Vi Peel.
The Vi Peel is a "next generation" chemical skin peel, that offers all major benefits of a traditional chemical acid peel, without the downsides. The main difference shows is the consumer's comfort and convenience, as the Vi Peel treatment means virtually no pain and significantly less downtime.
Just like any other chemical acid peel, the Vi Peel treatment has to be performed by a licensed professional. It is and in-office procedure - for your own safety - however, your appointment will not take longer than 20-30 minutes. The Vi Peel is revolutionary in this line of treatments, as it combines the power of various acids and the nourishment from many vitamins. This powerful, yet gentle mix gives this unique procedure the ability to combat the most difficult and wide variety of skin conditions, including acne, aging, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, sun-damage and hyper-pigmentation (even melasma). It will also shrink enlarged pores and promote collagen and elastin production of the skin, which will result in tighter, more supple skin.
The Vi Peel also provides excellent result for acne skin conditions, including acne cysts, and could be used for both teenage and adult acne sufferers. The results are quick and impressive, after just one treatment you will see significant improvement.
Let's take a look at the major benefits of the Vi Peel treatment:
- The Vi Peel is virtually painless. You might feel a slight stinging sensation for a few seconds during the first application, however, the numbing will take effect after the first pass, so you won't feel the burning pain, what is associated with the traditional chemical acid peel.
You will be completely done peeling one week after the procedure and it will be well worth it, you will love the stunning results! To avoid uneven sun exposure, you should avoid going out to the sun on the days that your skin is peeling. However - unlike with other chemical skin peels - you can enjoy moderate sun exposure with the use of sun protection. That is a wonderful advantage of the Vi Peel treatment, as it greatly reduces your recovery time. Another great benefit of the Vi Peel is that you may wear makeup at any time after the solution has dried, except for the days of the actual peeling (day three and four, usually). That also means less downtime for you.
The Vi Peel may be repeated every two weeks for the purpose of repairing damaged skin, however, for skin maintenance (usually for average skin), it is not recommended to have Vi Peel treatments any less than 3 months apart, to prevent skin damage. Your skin care professional will advise you about the optimal treatment intervals, after your evaluation.
As for the cost; since Vi Peel chemical acid peel is a customized procedure, its price depends on many factors, such as the individual's skin condition and the areas to be treated, therefore the best estimate can only be given by your skin care specialist.
If after reading this article, you feel that the Vi Peel treatment is something you might be interested in, please visit the above link, where you will find further information about the Vi Peel chemical skin peel.
You will also be able to schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consultation with Dr. Kamran Hakimian at Laser Touch Medical Clinic.
At the time of your visit Dr Hakimian will be more than happy to discuss your concerns and your options, such as laser skin treatment, chemical acid peel, injectables, blue light therapy and much more.
Dr. Hakimian, one of the most trusted and well-respected doctors in Los Angeles, is board certified in anti-aging and physical medicine, and has been practicing in his field for almost thirty years. Dr. Hakimian operates under the motto "look and feel your best". He is committed to help people achieve their desired appearance through non-surgical aesthetic procedures.
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Always check with your doctor or dermatologist prior to beginning any skin care regimen.
First, I would like to say that I am of the opinion that "PEELS USING SOLUTIONS OVER 10% STRENGTH SHOULD NOT BE PERFORMED AT HOME. In most states, Estheticians are licensed to perform glycolic, lactic and other alphahydroxy peels up to 30% strength.
They can also use a Jessner's peel at a 14% level and can apply up to 3 coats. Trichloroacetic (TCA) should only be performed by dermatologist or plastic surgeons. Please use a licensed professional that has experience with chemical exfoliation. Serious consequences can occur.
Clients who want a professional chemical exfoliation/peel stronger than 10% should be using an 8%-10% peel solution at home for two weeks prior to receiving and chemical peel higher. They should also be using a night cream with Retin-A (vitamin A) as an ingredient. Proper preparation will give the best results and will please your client.
Remember that "prior planning prevents poor performance."
I would also like to state that my intent with this article is to provide information to licensed estheticians and other skin professionals. This article is not intended for the general public.
However, education is crucial to better understanding. As a general rule, no one should use peeling agents on themselves, but rather to inform them of a standard protocol that a licensed skin care professional would provide if this service is rendered. (See my link from the TV show "THE DOCTORS").
Please refer to the Fitzpatrick Scale and determine if the client is an ideal candidate for chemical exfoliation. Allow the client to read and sign an informed and consent form. This is very important. DO NOT PERFORM STRONG PEELS ON FITZPATRICK TYPES VI, V or VI. Also, know your contraindication before administering a peel. Do not perform any chemical exfoliation on inflamed, irritated or broken skin. The best advice I can give to you is this: "WHEN IN DOUBT...DON'T."
With that said, let's get started.
1. Remove makeup: Usually the best choice is a milky cleanser placed on a gauze or cotton pad and swiped across the skin. Repeat until the makeup is removed. Do not use Vaseline due to its occlusive properties.
2. Cleanse the skin: The esthetician should thoroughly cleanse the skin with warm water and a mild but effective skin cleanser. This cleanser should not be too harsh, but be strong enough to remove dirt, debris and sebum (oil). I recommend a gel, or foamy cleanser for oily, combination and problematic skin types because the surfactants help to break down oil.
For dry and sensitive skin types, I recommend a lotion or milky cleanser. Rinse the skin with lukewarm water several times and pat the skin dry. DO NOT RUB THE SKIN.
3. Defat the skin: This step involves stripping the skin of its oil by applying either a 70%, 90% isopropyl alcohol or acetone to the skin with a gauze pad or cotton pad. Be careful when using 90% isopropyl alcohol and acetone as they are very drying. I usually use 90% or acetone on oily and combination skin types. Defatting the skin allows the peel solution to uptake more evenly as the peel solution does not have to cut through the sebum.
Let the solution evaporate off completely before proceeding to step 4.
4. Prepare the treatment are for the peel: This is a crucial step in performing chemical exfoliations. There is nothing worse than not being prepared. Make sure that you have either a neutralizing product available and handy or that you have a bowl of cool water mixed with about 3 to 4 table spoons of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Either of these products will be a life saver if something goes wrong. They will neutralize the chemical peel solution, thus helping to prevent further damage to the skin.
Prepare your eye pads with the standard butterfly cotton pads or large eye rounds soak in cool water. Use a Q-tip to put a small amount of Vaseline as close to the underside of the eye and on the upper eye lid. This will prevent any of the peel solution from being absorbed.
Place the protective eye pads over the client's eyes. Hand the client a portable fan and turn it on. The fan will help to ease the discomfort as the chemical peeling agent is applied to the skin. Now you are ready to apply the chemical peeling agent.
5. Applying the peeling agent: After ensuring that the client's eyes are protected, begin applying the peeling agent. Use a gauze square or large peeling Q-tip to apply the solution. Typically you should begin on the forehead and swipe across. Then proceed down the nose and across the cheeks, then to the chin area. Use a small Q-tip saturated with the peel solution to swipe under the eye area. NEVER APPLY PEELING AGENT ON THE UPPER EYELID. If you are using glycolic acid; lactic acid; or an Alphahydroxy acid (AHA) solution, the amount of time left on the skin has a direct correlation to the strength of the solution applied to the skin. In other words, a 10% solution can be left on longer than a 30%, 50% or 70% solution.
The stronger the solution the less time on the skin. Also, if this is the first time the client is receiving a peel then you would not want to leave the peeling solution on for the maximum amount of time. Typically most AHA's, glycolic, and lactic acid peel solutions can be left on for up to 10 minutes. Lactic acid is the best choice for dry and sensitive skin types as it tends to be not a drying. Watch for increased redness and irritations to occur.
Then remove by rinsing with the cool water. Rinse the skin at least 3 to 6 times. Then use the water and baking soda mixture to stop the chemical reaction. Blot the skin dry. DO NOT RUB SKIN.
If the peel solution is a Betahydroxy acid (BHA) like salicylic acid, time is not the only factor in determining when to end the peel. You MUST look for the "frosting." Frosting is the process of keratin being broken down in the skin. Usually, the skin will turn white like frosting on a cake. One coat might be sufficient, sometime 2 to 3 will be needed. If more than one coat is needed, wait about 45 seconds to 1 minute before applying additional coats. Be aware that you are not looking at salicylates precipitating.
It resembles frosting but is only the salicylic acid reacting to the air. Frosting will look more pinkish white. Once the frost is presented, allow it to remain on the skin for about 1 -3 minutes, then rinse off with cool water. DO NOT RUB THE SKIN. BLOT DRY. BHA peels cannot be neutralized. A cool towel applied to the skin is usually enough to ease the discomfort.
If the peeling agent is a Jessner's solution, it should be a 14% solution. The Jessner's peel consists of 14% salicylic, 14% lactic acid in a resorcinol solvent. This peel is strong and provides great results when used correctly. Similar to a salicylic peel, the Jessner's peel is great for clients that want to improve skin tone, acne, and fine lines and wrinkles. Frosting occurs with this peel also. The use of a fan is required with this peel.
Wait about a minute between layering. Esthetician can usually apply up to 3 coats, while physicians can apply more and can use a higher strength. Again, this peel is ideal for clients that have oily to combination skin types. Once the frosting appears do not apply more solution. Allow it to remain on the skin for about 3 minutes, and then apply a cool towel to the skin.
If the chemical exfoliation is a Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), a physician should be administering the peel. Estheticians should not perform this peel. If you want information about this peel, go to your dermatologist or your physician. Sorry.
Now that the peel has been performed, what next? Well, in my opinion it is crucial to apply a Hyaluronic serum to the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic (water loving) non-drying ingredient. It is essential for all skin types. As a matter of fact, Hyaluronic acid naturally occurs in the deeper tissues of the skin. Originally discovered in the comb of a rooster, it is now synthetically produced for cosmetics. It is silky, smooth and helps to plump up the skin. Make sure you have a product on hand that has it in it.
After, you have applied the Hyaluronic acid serum, apply sunscreen to the client's skin and send them home. Your client should take home products to help in the healing process. Hyaluronic serum, a skin lightener (alpha Arbutin), Retin-A, moisturizer and most importantly an ant aging sunscreen with SPF 30+. Follow up with the client for the next 3 days by phone. About 10 days after the peel the client should come back to the salon for a follow up visit and for a facial. This is when you, the esthetician can evaluate the peel. During the healing process you want to reassure the client that what is happening to their skin is expected. Give them a take home form that reminds the client that what they are experiencing is normal.
Encourage your client to keep their skin cleansed and hydrated. Make sure they use plenty of moisturizer and sunscreen. Advise them to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun for the next month. They should not use manual scrubs to abrade or expedite the peeling process. The slower the peeling process, the healthier.
Remember that peels can produce different results on any given individual. It is your responsibility to obtain an informed and consent form from your client. If you thoroughly screen your clients and use the proper tools (i.e. Fitzpatrick Scale) you should be able to deliver great anti-aging skin care to your clients.
Good luck and thank you for visiting us.
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Urinary tract infection is a medical condition that affects the urethra as well as the bladder. While you might not know what this condition is actually all about, there are definitely symptoms that might give you some clues about it. Besides that, it is important to know the implications as well as complications of this infection so that you will not take it lightly.
If you are serious about educating yourself about this matter, keep reading to find out more about this causes, symptoms as well as possible complications of it.
Generally, there are two types of this medical condition, i.e. the lower urinary tract infection as well as the upper urinary tract infection. While the former affects only the bladder and the urethra, the latter is referring to the worse condition where the infection affects ureters and the kidneys as well. Anyway, both of them are caused by bacteria infection that enters through the urethral opening. For your information, women are at a higher risk of contracting this infection due to the fact that they have a shorter urethra.
However, this definitely does not imply that men are very unlikely to get it because they are actually at a very high risk of being infected as well.
More often than not, symptoms for this infection are for examples, itching or burning sensation during urination, never-ending urge to urinate though there is little urine in the bladder, sightings of blood in the urine and so on. In serious cases where the upper urinary tract infection is involved, you might experience worse symptoms such as vomiting and nausea, extreme exhaustion and fatigue as well as some other similar conditions.
If you experience one of these symptoms, you are highly recommended to consult a doctor for a diagnosis in the shortest time possible.
Just like all other medical conditions or diseases, seeking timely treatment is definitely crucial in ensuring fast and full recovery. This is because any delays in getting the appropriate treatment might result in the spreading of the infection into the kidney tissues which will eventually lead to kidney failure. Besides that, there are cases where people complain of urination obstruction due to this infection too. Worse still for men, this infection can also spread to the prostate and thus destroying the function of your reproductive organs.
All these are scenarios that you will want to avoid at all costs.
The author has been writing articles online for a couple of years now. Most recently, he has found a new interest and you can check out his latest website about oversized wall clocks. Besides, it has the best information on novelty wall clocks too.
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Acne Scars can be easily removed with Chemical peeling. this method has been used since years for not only removing acne scars but also other skin blemishes and discolorations. With Chemical peeling doctors remove the layers of skin with chemicals. With the new skin forming the earlier blemishes disappear.
Let us find out about how acne scars are treated with chemical peeling.
Acne scars- Keloids:
Keloids cannot be generally removed with peeling. Keloid type scars form in some individuals. Keloids are skin growths that are full of collagen and look very unsightly. Whenever a person who forms keloids gets any injury the scars form keloids. No doctor generally tries to remove keloids because the scar healing may form more of them.
Ice pick and saucer type acne scars-
Other acne scars are normally ice pick type and saucer type. These scars can be easily treated with chemical peeling. Your doctor will assess the depth of the scar and try to remove skin up to that level. As the new skin will form there will be little scarring left. For chemical peeling, the doctors apply a chemical on the site and the chemical peels away the skin in a controlled manner over sometime.
Redness and swelling may result with deep peeling. The skin heals over about ten days and new skin forms. Learn more about Chemical Peeling and If you have acne scars, please find out with your doctor about the possibility of removing them with chemical peeling.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor.
The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
The author C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free , please visit- . You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails.
This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself young at all the ages find out more about the skin procedures and treatments that will make you young forever.
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Did you know that civilizations ranging from Ancient Egypt to Greece and Rome had techniques for facial peeling? It's true. They used a solution of alabaster, milk, and honey to achieve healthier looking facial skin, which really makes the facial peel one of the oldest cosmetic procedures known to man.
In this day age, the facial peel can be performed at home with commercial kits, at a salon, or if you're interested in a more powerful peel, a dermatologist or plastic surgeon can do it. They all take about 15 to 20 minutes, but the recovery and possible complications differ greatly depending on which one you choose.
Home Peels:
No doubt everyone has heard of the dermabrasion kits, creams, and other skin care products you can purchase pretty much anywhere. They cost between $15 and $80, and are somewhat effective at removing dead skin skills which allows for newer cells to shine through. An already healthy looking face will benefit the most from this type of product. Someone with severe wrinkling, acne, acne scars, and blemishes should consider a stronger peel.
Due to allergic reactions, a small area of the skin should be tested prior to full use of these kits.
Glycolic Acid Peels:
There are different types of solutions used by doctors when performing facial peels. One of the most popular is known as Glycolic Acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) derived from the sugarcane. It is usually the chief ingredient in home systems.
The concentration of Glycolic Acid is limited to under 10 percent for commercial kits, but medical professionals use it in concentrations of up to 80 percent, significantly more powerful and thus a greater risk of complications. While rare, these can include infection, scarring, and pigmentation problems.
Glycolic Acid is best as a treatment for acne, but can be beneficial as a treatment for wrinkling, uneven pigmentation, rugged and desiccated skin.
Recovery is generally short and all normal activities can resume immediately, aside from spending prolonged periods of time in the sun, as the new skin is extremely sensitive thereby making it more susceptible to sunburn.
This type of facial peel costs about $188 per treatment.
Trichloroacetic Acid Peels:
Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) is the most common solution for facial peeling used by doctors. In higher concentrations, TCA is more effective than Glycolic Acid for treating acne, acne scars, uneven pigmentation, and deep wrinkles.
The drawbacks with Trichloroacetic Acid are a higher risk of complication, a longer recovery time, and it's average cost is about $378 per treatment. The benefit is that it produces better results which last much longer.
Phenol Peeling:
The most effective solution for facial peeling is known as Phenol. It is by far the strongest facial peel offered, giving dramatic results which are still apparent 20 years later.
The price is about $1100 per treatment, far more expensive than other peels. But its price isn't the only drawback. The risk of complication is much higher, and these complications are far more severe.
Phenol can cause dysrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms) when absorbed through the skin, so patients with pre-existing heart conditions are discouraged from having a Phenol peel.
Am I A Good Candidate For A Facial Peel?
The facial peel is indeed an effective treatment for acne, acne scars, uneven pigmentation, and deep wrinkles. If you suffer from one of these skin conditions, a facial peel is definitely something to consider. If you feel your condition is too severe to be treated with commercial products, consult with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. They will help you decide which peel is best for you.
As with all things in life, you should have realistic expectations. Face peels can dramatically improve the appearance of your skin, but they are not a cure for chronic skin conditions and they do little for deep scarring. And the results you do experience will not last forever, so subsequent treatments will be necessary.
Recovery & Side Effects:
The side effects you may experience and how long your recovery will last depend on the type of facial peel you have done. Salon and commercial systems have very little side effects and the recovery time is no longer than a day or two.
Facial peeling performed by a plastic surgeon will cause redness, flaky skin, and general skin irritation which can last a month or more with Phenol peels. Recovery is usually a week or two with other peels.
To minimize your risk of side effects, always tell your doctor what medications you are taking prior to your peel.
For more information on facial peeling and other cosmetic procedures, please visit Cosmetic Surgery Today
Kalona Karrington is a writer and researcher for Cosmetic Surgery Today.
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At the first sign of peeling penis skin, it is normal for guys to jump to conclusions about their last partner and wonder what kind of disease they may have managed to pick up.
A common complaint heard by many men's health professionals is from men whose penis itches or has a red, scaly appearance. Fortunately, in most cases, this problem can be chalked up to normal irritation or not enough lube during sex. With application of penis vitamins and moisturizers, the skin should quickly return to normal.
Some common penis skin conditions are described here for information; men who have an open sore on their penis or a chronic condition that will not heal with proper hygiene and over the counter remedies should see a doctor for a firm diagnosis and treatment.
1. Yeast infection:
One of the most commonly-seen causes of dry, itchy penis skin is nothing more than an ordinary yeast infection - also known as thrush. While it is more often known as a women's problem, yeast overgrowth can affect everyone, even before they become sexually active.
The organism that causes yeast infection - a fungus known as Candida albicans is nearly always present on the skin, but under certain conditions, it can go into a rapid growth phase and cause skin symptoms such as dryness, itching, flaking or peeling, redness, and a whitish discharge.
Yeast infections are not dangerous, but they are highly contagious and can be transferred between sexual partners. Treating them generally consists of applying an over-the-counter antifungal medication such as those used for feminine yeast infections.
The best way to control yeast and avoid infection is to keep the penis skin clean, dry and well-moisturized to prevent the yeast from taking hold. Penis vitamins targeting skin health, such as vitamins A, C, and D, may also deter the growth of yeast on the penis skin.
2. Jock itch:
Another common fungal infection that often affects the penis and groin area is most often referred to as jock itch. If the penis itches and develops a red, spreading rash that moves outward from a small, centralized point, jock itch could be the problem.
This condition can cause severe itching and burning, as well as a scaly appearance at the outer edges of the rash, and it is highly contagious. Sharing towels, clothing or other personal items is a prime way to spread the fungus.
Attention to good hygiene and avoiding the sharing of personal items and clothing will help to prevent the transfer of jock itch.
Getting rid of the itchy, scaly rash generally requires an antifungal medication; soothing vitamin crèmes with natural moisturizers may also help to alleviate the itching and discomfort.
3. Psoriasis:
Men who have psoriasis elsewhere on their body may also notice signs of it on the penis. Peeling penis skin, a red, scaly appearance and a rash that has a flaky outline could be an indication of psoriasis. Aside from treatment with corticosteroids, many dermatologists recommend vitamin A, or retinol, as an effective treatment.
While this condition is not contagious, it can be unattractive and off-putting. Alleviating the symptoms with natural skin care products can help to improve the tone and texture of the skin.
Keeping the penis healthy and supple
Keeping the penis healthy may sound complicated, but proper skin care is easier than it seems. The first step to a healthy penis is to keep it clean - men who are uncircumcised should make a special point to wash under the foreskin.
A natural penis vitamin formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing ingredients such as vitamins A, C and D for smooth, supple, responsive skin and natural moisturizers for an even, healthy appearance may improve the overall look and feel of the penis and increase its resistance to minor skin problems.
For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:
John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.
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